Terms and Policies:
1. Payment
We do NOT accept Visa, Discover Card, MasterCard, American Express nor PayPal. The only payment we accept is cash, UPPS money orders, bank money orders or personal checks (also as Echeck). Personal checks are held until cleared, at minimum 3-5 days for local checks and 10 days for all other.
2. First Time Firearms Customers
All first time firearms customers must Email or mail a copy of his/her FFL if firearm is bought other then at our location. Please note that any firearms sales to California require additional steps and paperwork and therefore there may be additional fees. All over the counter customers are required to complete the ATF Form 4473 and follow all local and federal laws.
3. Shipping & Handling
All firearms orders will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail with delivery conformation to FFL holder only. MDW Guns will not ship any ammunition. Any parts or accessories will be shipped to the customer via USPS Priority Mail. MDW Guns is not responsible for any damage or lost. MDW Guns will only insure shipment on customs request at customers cost. Shipping cost depend on weight and size of the item shipped. MDW Guns will provide a shipment tracking number by e-mail.
MDW Guns does not except shipments delivered by FedEX.
Please use USPS or UPS.
4. Tax Charges
MDW Guns is based in Maine. Orders will only be charged sales tax if the order is being shipped to a Maine destination or sold over the counter. Transfers of firearms where customer paid seller the sales price are not subject to sales tax collection by MDW Guns. However, customer has to pay sales tax according to Maine tax laws.
5. Prices and Contents of this site
Prices and Contents of this site are subject to change without notice. All pictures or other contents are property of MDW Guns (unless otherwise noted) and any reproduction may only be made with written authorization of MDW Guns.
6. Privacy Policy
MDW Guns does not and will not disclose buyers’ information to third parties. We do not use any cookies or other method of tracking our customers. Customer information stored in a secure data base and not accessible to any third parties.
7. Returns Policy
Returns are very costly to our Company. We make every effort to insure your order is shipped accurately and the product meets the standards of our advertising. If a Return must be made, please note the following policy:
(1) Only used firearms have a 3 day non firing inspection. All new in box firearms sales are final.
(2)Return Shipping Charges are the customers responsibility. If the wrong product was shipped by our mistake, MDW Guns will refund the actual USPS Priority Mail cost.
(3)Upon receipt of the Returned product(s), we reserve the right to evaluate the return to determine if a Refund or Exchange will be made.
(4)Refunds will be made by check or USPS money order. NOTE: If we deem a return was made without reasonable cause, where in our judgment the product meets advertised condition, the refund will be subject to a 20% Restocking Fee. Order Cancellations for any reason are also subject to a 20% Restocking Fee. Fees charged by a Dealer who is transferring a firearm to the end consumer will not be refunded for any reason. If an item is found to have been returned in any condition different from the condition in which it was originally shipped to the customer in, it will be subject to a damaged/used merchandise fee equivalent to the damage/use the product has sustained.
(5) MDW Guns does not except shipments delivered by FedEX. Please use USPS or UPS.
8. Returned Check and Non Payment
(1)Customer agrees that sole jurisdiction is in Oxford County Maine and it’s courts.
(2)All returned checks have a $35 return fee, which is what our banks charge. MDW Guns does not charge any fee if a returned check is paid in full within the next business day. Customer is responsible for any additional cost beside the bank return fee, like over draft fees.
(3)All returned checks not paid within a business day have a $15 reminder fee which is to cover MDW Guns cost to give notice to customer by telephone, e-mail and/or in writing. This is in addition to fees resulting form 8.(2).
(4)All returned checks not paid within 20 days will result in a claim at the District Court in South Paris. A additional process fee of $50 will be charged. MDW Guns may file a criminal complained (MCC 17 §708.1.) with the Oxford Sheriff Department.
(5)All invoices are due within receipt unless otherwise shown on the invoice. Customer agrees to a $15 reminder fee, if invoice is 10 days over due and MDW Guns has to contact customer. MDW Guns will make every legal attempt to collect any amount in full.
(6)If invoice is over due more then 20 days and customer has made no attempt to find any resolution for payment, MDW Guns may file a claim at the District Court in South Paris. A additional process fee of $50 will be charged.
(7)If a representative of MDW Guns has to appear at court for any reason, customer agrees to a compensation of $150 per day and appearance for lost salary and travel expenses.
(8)Customer agree to pay all attorney fees and court cost.
(9)All goods (firearms, suppressors, parts or accessories) remain the property of MDW Guns until full payment is made.
9. Use of this web site including pictures and text.
MDW Guns displays this web site to information it’s customers and entertainment only. By doing so, we do not want to supply people or organizations with material to defame, slander or display MDW Guns and/or gun owners in a negative light.
(1) No part of this web site shall be reproduced, printed or copied in any form without written permission by MDW Guns.
(2) Any public display of this web site, it’s pictures and/or text is prohibited without written permission by MDW Guns.
(3) Any links or referral to this web site is prohibited without written permission by MDW Guns.
(4) Offender of these terms agree to the amount of US $150,000.00 as damages for each case.
10. Liability of third parties.
MDW Guns is not liable for theft or loss of third parties. Customer has to ensure himself for such events.
If you have questions regarding our terms or conditions, please call.
A note about PayPal:
MDW Guns will gladly take your personal check. By PaPal own policy you can not use their services to pay for a firearm or standard magazine holding more then 10 rounds. PayPal will fine you and the other party if they find out.
Therefore we have to refuse the use of PayPal.
© MDW Guns 2003-2020 • Tel: 207 583-8296 or 603 491-1469 • sales@mdwguns.com
388 Deer Hill Rd. • Waterford, ME 04088 • USA